The European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) has selected McKinsey & Company to develop a business plan, including suitable governance structure and financing strategy, that can guide the establishment of a sustainable infrastructure for European vaccine research. Subcontracting McKinsey & Company adds valuable business experience and will be advantageous to the conceptual and technical design of a European vaccine infrastructure. The sub-contract is awarded as part of the project TRANSVAC-DS, Design study for a European vaccine infrastructure, which is funded by the European Commission and comprises a consortium of twenty-five partners from eleven European countries and includes leading academic and other organisations working in areas related to vaccine development.

TRANSVAC-DS is an EVI-coordinated project dedicated to consolidate the conceptual and technical design and ultimate implementation of a European vaccine R&D infrastructure. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 951668.