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Open call for expert services and trainings by TRANSVAC2


Research infrastructures are an elegant solution to make science more effective and sustainable. They enable an organized, fair and transparent system to share knowledge and resources with the research community.

TRANSVAC2, an EVI-led European vaccine research and development (R&D) infrastructure project, is dedicated to accelerating the development of safe, effective and affordable vaccines. Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization. Thus, TRANSVAC2 facilitates access to these skills and capacities, by offering high-quality technical services to support the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for both human and animal use.

These services are not restricted to any disease area and will be offered free of charge, with few exceptions. Researchers working on vaccine candidates and/or adjuvants at different stages of development in academia, research institutes, SMEs and industry can submit an application. There is currently an ongoing open call for application. Applications can be submitted by January 15th, 2022. All information on how to apply, services and training available, webinars and more can be found on

TRANSVAC2 also offers training courses to provide fundamental and advanced knowledge on a wide-range of vaccine development-related topics, centralising and expanding the training opportunities available to the European vaccine community. There is an open call for free training modules until December 15th.

Secure TRANSVAC2 support now!


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