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TRANSAVC2 concludes: key achievements and new horizons


July 2023

The TRANSAVC2 project concluded with its final meeting, which took place in a hybrid format on April 19-20, 2023, in Brussels. Over 50 attendees representing industry, academia, European Commission (EC), project partners and the transnational access (TNA) users were present to review the outcomes of the project and discuss its future perspectives. Participants utilised this opportunity to engage in networking, exchange ideas on vaccinology training and capacity strengthening, and allow TNA users to showcase their accomplishments and lessons learned from the TRANSAVC2 initiative.

Over the duration of the TRANSVAC2 project, spanning from April 1, 2017, to April 30, 2023, the primary focus was the establishment of an efficient and well-coordinated research and innovation environment dedicated to providing scientific and technical services to the vaccine research and development (R&D) community.

The collaboration between TRANSVAC partners resulted in successful joint research activities (JRAs) that continuously improved the services offered by the infrastructure. Throughout the project, a consortium of 26 partner institutions delivered more than 40 scientific services, encompassing areas such as animal studies, adjuvant development, immunocorrelate analysis, and regulatory support. A total of 103 free-service applications were reviewed, with 74 projects approved from 16 countries.

Notably, over 30% of these projects originated from the private sector, including for-profit organisations and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The TRANSVAC initiative also played a crucial role in advancing education and refining skills, as more than 400 scientists participated in a comprehensive 14-course vaccinology program organised by consortium members. Moreover, the project facilitated impactful research, resulting in the publication of 41 peer-reviewed articles, including a significant number in top-tier journals, with 16 articles published in the final year alone.

Read the full article on the TRANSVAC2 project final meeting and project highlights here ▶️


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 730964.


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