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Workshop on universal influenza vaccines


The EDUFLUVAC partners, as part of their work programme on the development of a broadly reactive influenza vaccine, are planning a workshop in close collaboration with the FLUTCORE and UNISEC consortia entitled: “Four years of European research on the development of universal influenza vaccines: what have we learnt and how can we move forward?”. The workshop will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 12-14 June 2017

The workshop will provide a discussion platform to discuss what has been achieved, what can be saved/maintained after the projects come to an end and how to strengthen the European vaccine development landscape. Data will be presented that highlight the development of various candidate concepts from the preclinical stages all the way to comparative clinical trials. The five European Union (EU)-funded consortia developing universal influenza vaccines will present their results to representatives of European Commission (DG Research & Innovation, DG Health & Food Safety), European Medicines Agency, WHO, BARDA, BMGF and other funders and policy makers.  The workshop will be organised as follow.

  • 12-13 June, meeting venue: House of Dutch Provinces in Brussels.  The five EU-funded consortia will present the progress and achievements of their work to maximise intra-consortia interactions and identify common interests and synergisms.

  • 14 June, meeting venue: European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Discussions on technical, regulatory and policy hurdles for the development of universal flu vaccines and on future funding opportunities.


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